Charles has written since his teenage years. Fortunately, most of his early writings are lost.
Since retirement in 2009, Charles has been writing for pleasure rather than for work.
As an immigration and asylum lawyer, most of his intellectual capacity had gone into writing representations for political asylum and human rights clients.
Latterly as a Law lecturer, most of his effort went into writing course materials and examinations in Immigration Law, Law of Evidence, Human Rights Law, Internet Law, Civil Litigation, Legal Skills, and English Legal System.
His LLM Thesis on the Domicile of Illegal Immigrants and Refugees was written while teaching at Bradford College, as were two academic articles on the evolution of Family Immigration Law and an academic article on The Ethics of Immigration Law. The “Bad Grammar May Indicate Good Thinking” research paper was also written at Bradford College.
After leaving Bradford College his next major work was a book “The Law of Packaging and Labelling” which went into a second edition. This may re-emerge as a “for profit” web site.
Charles was a Labour Party activist from the 1966 General Election. to December 2020.
“Councillor For Paradise” and “Increased Majority in Paradise” were written about his experiences as a Councillor in Bradford. “The Effective Activist” was begun after his experience as a Parliamentary Agent in 2015, and is revised regularly. Charles was the Secretary of Labour International CLP, the Constituency Labour Party for the 3,000+ Labour Party members living outside the United Kingdom. Charles resigned from the Labour Party on 24 December 2020.
Charles served six years as Governor of a First School in Bradford, and has served as a Member of the Council of the Law Society.
Charles has written political pieces such as “Socialism 101”, “What’s Left For Labour” and other pieces originally published on HubPages, an American site.
Most of his other writings are based upon life and observations as a lawyer and educationalist. At various times Charles has taught for The Law Centres Federation, The Immigration Law Practitioners Association, The Sheldon Foundation, BIASAN (Bradford Immigration and Asylum Seekers Advice and Support Network) , and a Bradford group McKenzie Friends who support asylum seekers at court.
The Don Hewson novels are about an eccentric Yorkshire foster carer, Don Hewson, and the children whom he fosters. This started as one novel, but the characters were so strong that the novels just kept coming. One of the children becomes Labour’s first female Prime Minister. Another becomes the Chief Engineer for Holy Mecca. Yet another becomes President and part owner of the largest film studio in Hollywood.
Charles has played Chess since a child, and has taught Chess. “Build Up To Chess” is the chess for children book that he has never been able to find, and eventually wrote himself. That was begun in 2011, and evolved.
Charles has retired to a small farm in Portugal. He keeps busy.
Charles is currently the Elections Lead for the Breakthrough Party, which is virtually certain to meld into the Transform Party when the Transform Party is recognised by the Electoral Commission.