The King Hunts
One of Henry VIII’s major recreations was hunting.
It got Henry into the fresh air, away from the crowds who followed the King almost everywhere.
Hunting was always interesting, and it allowed the King to exercise horsemanship.
Many of the London Parks were originally Royal private hunting grounds. Other land owners enjoyed hunting. Poachers were discouraged by hanging them.
Sometimes Henry and his current lady hunted together, with only a few attendants. They could picnic, and enjoy the outdoors.
A Curious Incident
In Alison Weir’s “Henry VIII King and Court” there is an interesting passage about an incident in July 1528.
“Whilst hunting in nearby Sutton Chase, the King tracked down a rare boar, but it turned viciously on him and his life was saved only by the timely intervention of a local girl who, being fortuitously nearby with her bow and arrow, shot the beast dead.”
A “chase” was a private park for hunting. So what was a local girl doing in the park? And why was she there with a bow and arrow capable of killing a savage boar?
For a young woman to carry a bow is surprising. She was obviously a good shot, and strong enough to draw a bow. It took years of practice to become an excellent archer.
But what was a young woman and her bow doing in a private hunting ground?
Commoner Saves King
Described as “a local girl”, she was obviously not anyone important.
One would expect a young man who saved the life of a King to be enriched and possibly knighted. For a young woman the feat is even more extraordinary.
From the lack of fuss or reward, one suspects she was a poacher, and not a lass out for a lonely stroll.
Going for a walk with a bow could lead to accusation of poaching. She was lucky not to be hanged.
Historical Significance
At the time, Ann Boleyn was playing hard to get.
Henry’s application for nullity from Queen Katherine was under consideration by the Pope, but until the Pope approved it the couple were still married. Mary was the only legitimate heir. Elizabeth and Edward were not thought of. The only other possible heir was Henry’s illegitimate son the Duke of Richmond.
The Reformation had not yet happened in England, so our schism with the Catholic Church need not have happened. Mary or her illegitimate half-brother would have become monarch. Assuming it to be Mary, then Queen Katherine would have been Regent. The history of Europe would have been different.
And name of the young woman who changed the face of history is not known.